[antlr-interest] Why does ANTLR generate code that will never call an OR'd alternative?

Avid Trober avidtrober at gmail.com
Fri Aug 20 23:01:20 PDT 2010

For this rule,



                :       isToken | IDENTIFIER;


ANTLR generates code that would never calls the isToken rule


    public MYParser.identifier_return identifier()    // throws
RecognitionException [1]



            // .  : ( isToken | IDENTIFIER )

            int alt30 = 2;

            int LA30_0 = input.LA(1);


            if ( (LA30_0 == IDENTIFIER) )   // <== token must be IDENTIFIER
to call isToken???


                int LA30_1 = input.LA(2);


                if ( ((isToken(input.LT(1)))) )  // <== why must LA30_0 ==
IDENTIFIER to call isToken?


                    alt30 = 1;


                else if ( (true) )


                    alt30 = 2;



            else                         //  <== since not IDENTIFIER, why
not call isToken here???


                NoViableAltException nvae_d30s0 =

                    new NoViableAltException("", 30, 0, input);


                throw nvae_d30s0;



I would think it's something to do with DFA optimization?   Perhaps that's
why IDENTIFIER is checked first.

But, if IDENTIFIER is false, why not call isToken???    Afterall, the rule
is IDENTIFIER  ****OR***** isToken.






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