[antlr-interest] Need help getting char * string from an ID

Jeffrey Newman jeffn at photorepo.com
Thu Dec 16 17:00:53 PST 2010

I'm still trying to bring up my first test parser with the C runtime.
I'm using Qt, so I have translate from C to C++ and Qt's runtime.

I have most of working, except I have not been able to get the ID

Here is the grammar:

grammar T;

options {
	language = C;

@header {
	#include "../parserBindings.h"

@members {
	char buffer[256];

r : 'call' ID ';' {	
		sprintf(buffer, "Invoked with: \%s", $ID.text);
	} ;
ID: 'a'..'z'+ ;
WS: (' ' | '\n' | '\r')+ {$channel=HIDDEN;};

The generated code in TParser looks like.

sprintf(buffer, "Invoked with: %s", (ID1->getText(ID1)));

where debug is a simple function in my C to C++ bindings.

So, how do I get a string from the grammar?
Please direct me to an example in C.



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