[antlr-interest] Using own ASTLabelType and quantification
John B. Brodie
jbb at acm.org
Tue Jan 12 10:09:41 PST 2010
On Tue, 2010-01-12 at 17:06 +0100, Olaf Keijsers wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am trying to make a treewalker for my grammar in order to check if it
> contains nondeterminism. I would like to be able to set some properties for
> every node I encounter, so I figured it would be a good idea to use my own
> ASTLabelType.
> I have set "ASTLabelType=GrooveTree" in my options, and my grammar uses this
> labeltype now, but I get the following exception when trying to use the
> checker:
> java.lang.ClassCastException: org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree cannot be
> cast to groove.control.parse.GrooveTree
> at
> groove.control.parse.GCLDeterminismChecker.program(GCLDeterminismChecker.java:139)
> This line contains:
> root_0 = (GrooveTree)adaptor.nil();
> and is part of the program() method. Somehow I think this is a beginner's
> error, but I cannot find the solution. I have tried to work around it by
> using the default ASTLabelType and keeping a Map<CommonTree,Boolean> to keep
> track of the property I would like, but this seems cumbersome. Could anyone
> point me in a good direction?
You need to setup a tree adaptor so that the runtime knows how to
construct your nodes.
These are the things I had to do in order to get my own ASTLabelType,
note that my AST is called ExprAST -- so replace all occurrances of that
string below with yours. also note that I did this over a year ago using
an earlier version of ANTLR v3, so altho this still works, just re-ran
my tests, today's version of ANTLR may make some of my steps simpler
and/or entirely un-necessary... YMMV
1) in the grammar add the ASTLabelType= option (as you have already
2) create your new tree node class, ensuring that it extends CommonTree.
Here is my ExprAST (note that Type is also one of my classes):
//----begin ExprAST here....
import org.antlr.runtime.Token;
import org.antlr.runtime.tree.*;
public class ExprAST extends CommonTree {
public Type type;
public ExprAST() {
type = null;
public ExprAST(Token tok) {
type = null;
public ExprAST(ExprAST tree) {
this.type = tree.type;
public ExprAST(Token tok, Type type) {
this.type = type;
@Override public Tree dupNode() {
return new ExprAST(this);
@Override public String toString() {
final String result;
if (type==null) {
result = super.toString();
} else {
result = String.format("%s[%s]",
return result;
//----end ExprAST
3) copy org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonErrorNode from the ANTLR run-time
sources. I called mine ExprASTErrorNode. Edit your copy so that is
extends your new tree node class rather than CommonTree.
4) create an instance of the adaptor class, i do this in my main:
//---begin adaptor code here...
// Custom adaptor to create ExprAST node type
private static final TreeAdaptor adaptor = new CommonTreeAdaptor() {
@Override public Object create(Token payload) {
return new ExprAST(payload);
@Override public Object dupNode(Object old) {
return (old==null)? null : ((ExprAST)old).dupNode();
@Override public Object errorNode(TokenStream input,
Token start, Token stop,
RecognitionException e) {
return new ExprASTErrorNode(input, start, stop, e);
//----end adaptor code.
5) call the parser's setAdaptor method with the above adaptor. I invoke
my parser with something similar to this:
//----begin parser invocation code here...
ExprLexer lexer = new ExprLexer(...whatever....);
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
ExprParser parser = new ExprParser(tokens);
ExprParser.program_return p_result = parser.program();
ast = p_result.tree;
//----end parser invocation code.
> Thanks!
Hope this helps...
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