[antlr-interest] Getting the Previously Matched Lexer Token in the C Target

John B. Brodie jbb at acm.org
Mon Jul 19 19:39:20 PDT 2010


On Mon, 2010-07-19 at 21:00 -0400, Billy O'Neal wrote:
> Hello, Kirby Bohling.
> It's similar to Keyword Vs. ID, but not exact. Consider the following inputs:
> -arg#hashed#
> Result:
> ARGUMENT (Text="arg")
> ARGEXTRA (Text="hashed")
> -arg#hashed# #otherData#
> Result:
> ARGUMENT (Text="arg")
> ARGEXTRA (Text="hashed")
> OTHER (Text="#otherdata#")  <-- Note that the hashes need to be
> included at this point, but excluded in the ARGEXTRA token type
> #otherData#andsomemorethings
> Result:
> OTHER (Text="#otherData#andsomemorethings")  <-- If I just use a
> common token for that, then there needs to be a lot of stitching going
> on in the parser, posing a problem.
> Finally, this:
> -arg #hashed#
> needs to be:
> ARGUMENT (Text="arg")
> OTHER (Text="hashed")
> If I use a common token for things there, then the parser can't
> correctly discern what to do here -- stitching together here would
> actually be invalid because of the space, and because the whitespace
> is dropped by the lexer, the parser cannot make that determination.

i had some fun with this. thanks! see attached (yes, i am weird)

-------------- next part --------------
grammar Test;

options {
   output = AST;
   ASTLabelType = CommonTree;


@members {
   private static final String [] x = new String[] {
      "-arg#hashed# #otherData#",
      "-arg #hashed#"

   public static void main(String [] args) {
      for( int i = 0; i < x.length; ++i ) {
         try {
            System.out.println("about to parse:`"+x[i]+"`");
            TestLexer lexer = new TestLexer(new ANTLRStringStream(x[i]));
            CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);

            TestParser parser = new TestParser(tokens);
            TestParser.start_return p_result = parser.start();

            CommonTree ast = p_result.tree;
            if( ast == null ) {
               System.out.println("resultant tree: is NULL");
            } else {
               System.out.println("resultant tree: " + ast.toStringTree());
         } catch(Exception e) {

start : (arg|other) EOF!;

arg : argument
      ( ( ( argextra (WS other)? )? -> argument (argextra other?)? )
      | ( WS HASH ID HASH -> argument OTHER[$ID.text] )

argument : DASH ID -> ARGUMENT[$ID.text] ;

argextra : HASH ID HASH -> ARGEXTRA[$ID.text] ;

other : o_data -> OTHER[$o_data.text] ;
o_data : ( HASH! | ID! )+ ; // avoid building a tree here, just want $text

DASH : '-' ;
HASH : '#' ;
ID : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+ ;
WS : ' '+ ;

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