[antlr-interest] Pre parse keyworded function calls into canonical function calls

Ben Corne ben.corne at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 06:22:21 PDT 2011

Hello ANTLR users

I'm wondering if it's possible to do two translation passes using ANTLR for
writing a parser for a language in which both keyworded function
calls/definitions as canonical function calls are possible.
Appart from the syntax, both calls are semantically equal to eachother.

is: 1 + 2 equal: 3;
is:equal:(1+2, 3);

The reason why I want to translate the keyworded function calls into
canonical is to separate language-specific code to convert keyworded calls
to their canonical representation from the grammar, to make porting to a
different backend easier. Also, introducing the keyworded style to my
grammar introduces some ambiguities that are inherrent to unbounded keyword

What I'd like to know is wether the folowing is a good idea or does it sound
like I'm not seeing a more obvious approach?
The idea to achieve this is having 2 parser passes:

1) Translate keyworded occurences from the original input to their canonical
representations (using the rule: always try to form the longest possible
keyword chain)
  : (KEYWORD) => keyword prog*
  | ~KEYWORD prog*
  : (kws+=singlekeyword)+
  : key=KEYWORD arg=(~KEYWORD*)

  : ( 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' ) ':'

do some magic to rewrite foo: x bar: y into foo:bar:(x,y);

2) Run the regular language grammar over the modified input from the first

Kind Regards
Ben Corne.

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