[antlr-interest] Something in my little grammar throws an Unable to cast CommonTree to type GrammarAST

Arturo Hernandez arthernan at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 8 21:57:18 PDT 2011

Came home and tried again with a clearer head.
And this time I found my missing ';' plus many other syntax errors ;)
The build action for VS2010 MSBuild works great too!!! All compiled and executed perfectly!!

parser  grammar XMLParser;options{    language=CSharp3;    tokenVocab=XMLLexer;}
@header {using System;}@namespace { XMLParserN }
public document  : element ;
element    : startTag         (element        | PCDATA        )*        endTag    | emptyElement    ;
startTag  	: TAG_START_OPEN GENERIC_ID {Console.Write(@"<" + $GENERIC_ID.text); } (attribute )* 	  TAG_CLOSE {Console.Write(@">"); }	;
attribute	: GENERIC_ID ATTR_EQ ATTR_VALUE 		{ if ($GENERIC_ID.text=="class") Console.Write(@" class=" + $ATTR_VALUE.text); } 	;
endTag 	: TAG_END_OPEN GENERIC_ID TAG_CLOSE 	{Console.WriteLine(@"</" + $GENERIC_ID.text + @">"); } 	;		
emptyElement : TAG_START_OPEN GENERIC_ID  (attribute)* TAG_EMPTY_CLOSE ;
> From: arthernan at hotmail.com
> To: antlr-interest at antlr.org
> Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2011 13:09:00 -0500
> Subject: Re: [antlr-interest] Something in my little grammar throws an Unable to cast CommonTree to type GrammarAST
> Thanks Jim,
> I looked at " XMLParser.g:29:11" before doing the first post. That pointed me to "returns" in this rule. My only idea is that there is something I need to do at the top of the grammar definition, like set output to AST. Before using "returns". At that point I started to "backtrack" and looked at the rest of the stack.
> I am still stuck.
> attribute returns [string cl]	: GENERIC_ID ATTR_EQ ATTR_VALUE

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