[antlr-interest] Parsing "comment-like" sequences of arbitrary characters

Rajesh Raman rr at fb.com
Tue May 17 15:55:22 PDT 2011

Hello ANTLR-ites,

I'm trying to parse an "options" structure, like the following:

options {
   foo {
      bar {
         ww: $32.50;
         xx: Jekyll & Hyde;
      yy.zz: @15% p/a;

(Please ignore the non-sensical values for ww, xx and yy.zz -- I'm just making a point, which will become clearer below).  This options structure will be followed by a query expression whose grammar is more complicated, and includes ints/floats, identifiers, operators, etc. etc.

The grammar I have for parsing the options structure looks like the below. (The grammar for the query language is complicated and therefore omitted.)


// ... other stuff here
tokens {
   // ... other ad hoc token values

// ...

  : OPTIONS^ option_block

  : L_BRACE option_def* R_BRACE ->
    ^(OPTION_BLOCK option_def*)

  : option_name option_value ->
    ^(OPTION option_name option_value)

  : ID (DOT^ ID)*

  | option_block

//... other stuff here

OPTIONS: 'options';
ID: (LETTER | '_') (LETTER | DIGIT | '_')*;
DOT: '.';
L_BRACE: '{';
R_BRACE: '}';
COLON: ':';

SL_COMMENT: '#' ~('\r' | '\n')* NEWLINE { skip(); };
WS: (' ' | '\f' | '\r' | '\t')+ { skip(); };



As mentioned, the "options" clause is part of a larger grammar for a language that includes operators, identifiers, numbers, etc.,  However, within the options clause, I want the characters between the colon and the semicolon to be treated as a single string, regardless of the fact that it may contain characters that lex into other tokens used by the language.  This feels like I should be able to use the same techniques as used in comment-stripping (i.e,. see the line that has COLON^...).  But this doesn't seem to work:
-  The "stray" characters that are not used elsewhere in the grammar are ignored and don't show up in the parse tree (e.g., $, @, %, &, in the example above)
-  Character sequences that form valid tokens for the rest of the language (like integers or identifiers) are lexed into those respective tokens instead of being slurped into a single string as intended.

E.g., when I input a string like "options { foo: $ %     1 2 45 ^ $ $$$; }" and display the resulting tree.toStringTree(), I get
"(options (OPTION_BLOCK (OPTION foo (: 1 2 45))))"

Any guidance you have on the above will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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