[antlr-interest] Having trouble with creating a parser for my desired grammar. Running afoul of multiple alternatives warnings

Bart Kiers bkiers at gmail.com
Mon Nov 14 22:35:58 PST 2011

For reference, also asked here:

On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 5:47 AM, Jarrod Roberson <jarrod at vertigrated.com>wrote:

> I am trying to write a parser for the following syntax
> hypotenuse(a,b) ->
>  sqr(x) -> x * x,
>  sqr(sqr(b) + sqr(b)).
> print(hypotenuse(2,3)).
> Where , and . are my statement separator and statement eol respectively.
> I am having an impossible time trying to figure out how to specify the
> function rule to allow me to nest functions inside of other functions
> without running afoul of ambiguities warnings.
> 23:37:47] warning(200): funcy.g:10:11: Decision can match input such as
> "ID" using multiple alternatives: 1, 2
> As a result, alternative(s) 2 were disabled for that input
> [23:37:47] error(201): funcy.g:10:11: The following alternatives can never
> be matched: 2
> I really want to be able to use the above syntax without having to pepper
> the code with keywords like `func` or `var` etc.
> Here is my grammar, are there any ways to resolve these ambiguities with
> predicates of some sort that I haven't been able to figure out?
> I have read up on Google about them, but I can't get them to work with the
> parser rules to remove the ambiguities.
> grammar funcy;
> options {
>    output = AST;
>    language = Java;
> }
> program : (statement'.')* ;
> statement : expression
>          | assignment
>          ;
> assignment : ID '->' expression
>           | ATOM '->' ( string | number )
>           | function '->' statement ((','statement)=> ',' statement)* ;
> args : expression (',' expression)*;
> function : ID '(' args ')' ;
> string : UNICODE_STRING;
> number : HEX_NUMBER
>       | INTEGER;
> // expressions
> term : '(' expression ')'
>     | number
>     | string
>     | function
>     | ID
>     | ATOM
>     ;
> negation : '!'* term;
> unary : ('+'|'-')* negation;
> mult : unary (('*' | '/' | ('%'|'mod') ) unary)*;
> add : mult (('+' | '-') mult)*;
> relation : add (('=' | '!=' | '<' | '<=' | '>=' | '>') add)*;
> expression : relation (('&&' | '||') relation)*;
> // LEXER ================================================================
> UNICODE_STRING : '"' ( ESC | ~('\u0000'..'\u001f' | '\\' | '\"' ) )* '"'
>                ;
> WS : (' '|'\n'|'\r'|'\t')+ {$channel = HIDDEN;} ; // ignore whitespace
> fragment
> ESC : '\\' ( UNI_ESC |'b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'\"'|'\''|'\\' );
> fragment
> fragment
> HEX_DIGIT : (DIGIT|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F') ;
> fragment
> DIGIT : ('0'..'9');
> ATOM : (('A'..'Z'|'_')+)=> ('A'..'Z'|'0'..'9'|'_')+;
> ID : ('a'..'z'|'_')('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9'|'_')*;
> COMMENT : '/*' .* '*/' {$channel = HIDDEN;};
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