[antlr-interest] Simple Grammar Problem

Brian Geffon briangeffon at gmail.com
Sat Sep 10 11:41:30 PDT 2011


I'm using antlr 3 and I'm trying to create a simple grammar, a simple
example is below, I'm trying to allow for any text but embedded within
it some special tags. I'm calling the arbitary text with no tags
embedded a buffer, in addition i'm trying to support loop tags,
partial tags, and comments. So a valid input might be:
{#loop1}{>partial1}Blah BlAh! Test{#loop2}foo{/loop2}{/loop1}, but I'm
having trouble with the arbitrary text in between tags. Do I have to
create a lexer rule like '\u0000'..'\uFFFF' for it to work, because
that seems a little crazy to have to do that. Thanks in advance.


grammar Dust;

options {

start   : body EOF;

body    : (loop | partial | buffer)*

loop    : '{#' IDENT '}'
         '{/' IDENT '}'

partial : '{>' IDENT '}'

buffer  : ~('{' | EOF)+;

foo     : COMMENT;

IDENT   : 'a'..'z'+;
COMMENT : '{!' .* '!}'

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