[antlr-interest] Antlrworks quirky behaviour ?

Pranab Dhar pdhar at tibco.com
Wed Jun 13 18:02:43 PDT 2007


        I am noticing a weird behaviour in antlrworks. It is with this
grammar while building the AST.





      | '@'


postfixExpr :


          primaryExpr -> primaryExpr



        (lc=TOK_LBRACK i=index TOK_RBRACK) ->
^(ARRAY_INDEX[$lc,"ARRAY_INDEX"] $postfixExpr $i)



               p=postfixOp  li=labelIdentifier


                   al=argList ->
$li) $al )


                   |   /* NOTHING */  -> ^($p $postfixExpr $li)






When I use the grammar above the AST tree shown in antlrworks does not
show the tree below the FUNCTION_EXPRESSION while the stringTree is
correctly shown as a result of the  getTree() api call.



When the grammar is modified to remove the AST rewrite rules and use ^ |
operators the tree is shown  correctly in the antlrworks.


The dilemma is which one to believe is correct.



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