[antlr-interest] nested parsing (BSDL)

Mark Whitis whitis at freelabs.com
Wed Jan 2 23:47:07 PST 2008

[This message mentions some antlr bugs and feature suggestions, they
have been tagged with "[BUG]".  Feature suggestions are not necessarilly
bugs in the sense of failure to perform as documented but they do
represent substantial limitations in antlr's expressive power or serious
usability issues.   Bugs were compounded by other bugs, to a staggering

Thanks for a very detailed response.   Even if it wasn't quite what
I was looking for, I think I and others will learn from your example.
I found your message as I was preparing to post a progress report.

I think I came up with a solution that almost works just before I got your 
email. It works pretty much like what I was asking for aside from having
too much target language specific code.   But it does have some advantages
over your suggestion:
   - Single grammar file
   - Makes good AST trees if you want them
   - Use of AST trees is not necessary
     Can use one assignment to a data structure or a function call
     for more complicated assignments in each major rule.
   - doesn't have lex/yacc anachronisms like predefining
     lexical tokens.
   - extending to support other structured strings does not require
     anything more than new grammar rules
   - If it wasn't for a confounding series of bugs, the single
     grammar file would have been conducive to using antlrworks
   - yours uses InnerParser.  I can't find that documented anywhere.
     (The C# API doc is a broken link), it doesn't seem to exist
     in the C, Java, or Python APIs.   If there was a variation that
     let you specify the root rule to use in a grammar so I
     could use the same grammer, it would be close to what I want).
     And, trying to recreate the functionality runs into the same
     problems with the runtime libraries I was having 
Thus it keeps my options open.
Yours has the advantage that it works from a parser rule instead of
a lexer rule but it loses the advantage by using multiple parsers.
Yours has an advantage if the island grammar is lexically incompatable
with the parent grammar.   However, I thought I was pretty clear about
wanting to do this with one grammar.

The basic form is:

    rule: blah blah (ugly_string | parse_inside_ugly_string) blah blah;

Where "ugly_string" is a lexer rule that matches the string and
then embeds the text  and "parse_inside_ugly_string" is a parser rule that
parses inside the string.   You end up with a grammar that will parse
a file with or without quotes on the subordinate grammar.  This won't work
if the island grammar is incompatible with the enclosing grammar's lexar.

There is one issue I am still working on.    [Found a workaround] The need 
for two
token rules that both can match the same string, one for structured
strings and one for simple strings.   Maybe I can move the
nesting call up to the parser level so I can use the same token.
But, it seems the code to switch streams works in a lexar but not
in a parser.   The FAQ example cheats by handling the include directive
as a lexical token.   I am now trying to use a "global" variable
that is common to a single instance of the parser+lexer to
switch the parsing behavior on and off but I am having a hard
time figuring out where to declare it such that it can be
set in a parser rule but tested from a lexer action.

[BUG]Unfortunately, trying to define a psuedo-global or even global
in antlr is a frustrating experience, particularly since I am
using antlrworks and everthing must be in the parser file.
I have no control over how files are linked together or even
knowledge of or control over what is in main().   Even defining "public 
class global { 
...}" in @header (which isn't reentrant) fails because it gets inserted
before the import statements.  "scope global {...}" and then using
$Global:: fails in lexer actions.  There should
  Globals could also have issues with backtracking, so I coded somewhat
defensively (I set it at the beginning of each rule that calls 
STRING_LITERAL_TOKEN).   And I can't see how to navigate from
the parser context to a public member of the lexer class (which
I declared) getTokenStream().member_name doesn't work. 
getTokenStream().getTokenSource() is a dead end; antlr runtime classs
fail to preserve the all important class linkages.

You should
be able to do something simple like PARSER->LEXER->Member

[BUG]Token rules don't accept parameters.  Tried that.  One of the
advantages of an integrated tool such as antlr over separate
tools like lex/yacc should be tight coupling.   This should
be possible even with TokenStream packages in the way.
Instead of calling:
   if(nextToken() == TOKEN_TYPE_FOO) ...
You call
   if(nextTokenOfType(TOKEN_TYPE_FOO, args)) ...
If the args make the token match different input, a token rule can
be automatically split into multiple tokens as far as the state
machine is concerned.

[BUG]ANTLR doesn't appear to be smart enough yet to automatically gate the 
lexar based on the parser context.   Seems that this could potentially
reslove a lot of grammar issues.   One example would be the use of
a keyword as an identifier.
   - Pass a bitmap into the lexer indicating the valid tokens
     at this level of grammar.
   - lexer state machine doesn't take branches not allowed by context.
     It defaults to branching into another state it would otherwise
     have reached.  If more characters have been consumed than
     necessary because the state machine would have otherwise
     reached a terminal state, the branch specifies a number
     of characters to ungetc().
   - If the lexer can't find a valid state in the current context,
     then maybe it tries all possibilities to enable better error
     messages: "Expecting hex constant, got: identifier" or
     "expecting decimal integer, got hex constant or identifier".
If antlr did this, the whole issue of parsing inside strings woul
have been a non-issue as you could have a STRING_LITERAL token
and still use '"' as a token as well.   And you could easily parse
languages where a hex constant was lexically indistinguisable from
an identifier but easily distinguished in context.

"The first time you 
encounter a problem, writing a formal, general, and automatic mechanism
is expensive and is usually overkill. From then on, though, you are much
faster and better at solving similar problems because of your automated 
tool."  -- definitive antlr guide

Basically, I have solved the problem of parsing inside strings, at least
for this problem domain.  But
I can't turn it on and off because every path I have tried to accomplish
that has been blocked, usually because of implementation flaws that
I would not have made even if I wasn't thinking about this particular
problem.  I have spent an entire day trying to do something (communicate
a single bit of information to the lexer) that should have been

[BUG]Now because antlrworks only handles Java, I am going to need C
and Java code for the dirty tricks.   And since antlr lacks support
for conditionally including multiple languages, I am going to
have to preprocess the file when producing the C version.  To
do this, I will put something like "///Java" after each line of
Java code and "///C" before each line of C code.   That way,
when antlrworks processes the file, it will see Java but the
Makefile can preprocess the file to turn it into C.
As far as I can tell, the remote debugging protocol for C targets
hasn't been implemented yet.

Here are the relevent excerpts from the grammar file.

// Taken from ANTLR FAQ: How do I implement include files?
// http://www.antlr.org/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=557057
@lexer::members {
     class SaveStruct {
       SaveStruct(CharStream input){
         this.input = input;
         this.marker = input.mark();
       public CharStream input;
       public int marker;

      Stack<SaveStruct> includes = new Stack<SaveStruct>();

     // We should override this method for handling EOF of included file
      public Token nextToken(){
        Token token = super.nextToken();

        if(token==Token.EOF_TOKEN && !includes.empty()){
         // We've got EOF and have non empty stack.
          SaveStruct ss = includes.pop();
          token = super.nextToken();

       // Skip first token after switching on another input.
       if(((CommonToken)token).getStartIndex() < 0)
          token = super.nextToken();

        return token;

         int i;
         boolean instring=false;
         boolean incomment=false;
         String s;
         StringBuffer d = new StringBuffer(65536);
         for(i=0; i<s.length(); i++) {
            // if(s.charAt(i) != '"') d.append(s.charAt(i));
            if(!incomment && s.charAt(i) == '"') {
                instring = !instring;
                continue;  // don't want to add character to string below
            if(!instring && s.charAt(i) == '-') { // since it has already 
been lexed, one dash is enough
            if(s.charAt(i) == '\r' || s.charAt(i) == '\n') {
            if(instring) d.append(s.charAt(i));

         // char x[] = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' };
         // PUSHSTREAM(new pANTLR3_INPUT_STREAM(new 
         // PUSHSTREAM(new pANTLR3_INPUT_STREAM(new 

         // Adapted from ANTLR FAQ: How do implement include files?
          SaveStruct ss = new SaveStruct(input);

          // switch on new input stream
          setCharStream(new ANTLRStringStream(d.toString()));


fragment WHITESPACE_FRAG: ( '\t' | ' ' | '\r' | '\n'| '\u000C' )+ ;
fragment COMMENT_FRAG: '--' ~('\r'|'\n')* '\r'? '\n' ;

   'attribute' 'PIN_MAP' 'of' IDENTIFIER ':' 'entity' 'is' 
   | 'constant' IDENTIFIER ':' 'PIN_MAP_STRING' ':=' (map_string | 
package_pin_map_string) ';' ;

package_pin_map_string: package_pin_map_string_entry ( ',' 
package_pin_map_string_entry )*;

// must invoke a subordinate parser on map_string;
map_string: STRING_LITERAL;

INTEGER_LITERAL: ('0'..'9')+;
---end excerpt---
I have been running the antlrworks debugger on the following
text (with package_pin_mapping as the start rule):

constant FK_PACKAGE:PIN_MAP_STRING:="CLK:9, Q:(10,11,12,13,16,17,18,19)," 
&   "D:(6,5,4,3,2,27,26,25)," & -- comment
   "GND:14, VCC:28, OC_NEG:7, TDO:20, TMS:21, TCK:23, TDI:24";

This gets translated into this:

constant FK_PACKAGE:PIN_MAP_STRING:= CLK:9, Q:(10,11,12,13,16,17,18,19),
   D:(6,5,4,3,2,27,26,25), GND:14,
   VCC:28, OC_NEG:7, TDO:20, TMS:21, TCK:23, TDI:24;
(linebreaks added for readability).

I am tempted to include "{" and "}" around the embedded text since
that makes a more aesthically pleasing virtual grammar closer to
what BSDL should have been in the first place.

In response to one of your comments that what I was trying to do,
parse inside strings, is unusual, I think that is far from the case.
>From a programming language perspective, it is unusual.   For data
files, though, it is very common.
One example would be SVG where they made the huge mistake of
encoding polylines inside of strings instead of encoding as
XML.   Saves a few bytes in the file but at way to high a cost.

Here is another possible vector representation of a polyline that
I am considering for a CAD application:
    <polyline type="closed">
       <line start="point(0,0,0)" end="point(0,1,0)" />
       <line start="point(0,1,0)" end="point(1,1,0)" />
       <arc start="point(1,1,0)" end="point(1,1,1)" center="point(0,1,0)" 
direction="clockwise" normalvector="vector(0,1,0)" />
This is more in keeping with the XML philosphy and much more readable
than how SVG does it.   It also has the problem of parsing inside strings
but for a good reason.    Unlike SVG, points in this language are
expressions.   Writing expressions as xml trees would get hideous.

    <polyline id="polyline1" type="closed">
       <line id="segment1" start="point(0,0,0)" end="point(0,1,0)" />
       <line id="segment2" start="segment1.end" end="segment1.end+vector(1,0,0)" />
       <arc id="segment3" start="segment2.end" end="segment1.start" 
direction="clockwise" normalvector="vector(0,1,0)" />

This representation is still trading gramatical elegence for brevity. 
And in practice, CAD files can have a huge number of parameters so
things often aren't going to fit on one line, anyway.   But such
a tradeoff would have been a reasonable compromise for SVG.
Not having one tag per sub-object in SVG was a big mistake.
So, both SVG and a slightly improved SVG are examples of parsing inside

Of course, there is also the possibility of representing the
start and end points as tags instead of attributes which is actually
better XML practice.
Of course, abandoning XML makes possible a variety of more readable
expressions that read more like code:
    object polyline1 : type polyline {
       object segment1 : type line {
          start point(0,0,0);
          end point(0,1,0);
       object segment2 : type line {
          start segment2.start;
          end segment1.end+vector(1,0,0);

[BUG]Not parsing inside strings
Some examples of structured stings that are likely to be common
in data files:
   - Lists
     nameservers="ns1.example.com, ns2.example.com"
     administrators="john, paul, george"
   - ip addresses (above)
   - Dates:
   - currency:
   - format strings
     format="%s: (%d, %d)"
   - phone numbers:
   - urls
   - display modes:
     Option "MetaModes" "1600x1200, 1280x1024, 800x600, 640x480"
   - key codes
   - colors
   - USB/PCI device ids:
   - filemodes:
   - regular expressions
   - substitution
   - query strings
     query="antlr AND \"island grammar\""
     query="name, address, phone FROM customers WHERE total_purchases>100"
   - ids
     id="foo bar" // invalid
     id="ABC123" // valid
   - styles
     <p style="{border: solid; border-width: thick; clear: both; 
silver; padding 12px; porder-style: groove}">

If you are building a parser, validator, or a translator, you may need to 
parse inside.

[BUG]Thus, in the following example (where a string has all the baggage 
the BSDL example), a very simple notation such as
could be used to say:
     When you encounter a LEXER_TOKEN, discard the portion that
     does not match one or more occurances of LEXER_FRAGMENT in the
     original lexer rule and then parse the results inline starting
     with root_rule.

Simple notation, fairly easy to implement except for requiring
the lexer to keep a temporary fragment tree, easy to apply in
a variety situations, requires no target language dependencies,
and the -->FUNCTION_CALL() mechanism can be reused to provide
many other things missing in antlr in a target language independent
way.   For more generality, an optional third argument could specify
a different set of lexer rules:
    lexer SUBSET1 {
        RULE1: ... ;
        RULE2: ... ;
        inherit MAIN_LEXER RULE3, RULE4;
Maybe there is a way to use the x=RULE or x+=RULE notation somehow instead
of using the fragment extraction.  This equires that the variable
have a scope that spans more than one rule.  If so, it still should not
require target language specific code and should be reentrant across
mulitple invokations of parsers and possibly within a parser as well.

    ip_addresses: 'ip_address' '=' STRING_LITERAL 
    ip_address_contents: one_ip_address (',' one_ip_address);
       | '[' ipv4_address ']'
       | ipv6_address
       | '[' ipv6_address ']'
       | domain_name
    IPV4_ADDRESS: INT '.' INT '.' INT '.' INT;
    IPV6_ADDRESS: HEX (':'+ HEX)*;   // oversimplified
    fragment HEX: ('0'..'9'| 'A'..'Z')+
    fragment INT: ('0'..'9')+
    fragment STRING_CONTENTS_FRAGMENT: ~('"')*;

    fragment WHITESPACE_FRAG: ( '\t' | ' ' | '\r' | '\n'| '\u000C' )+ ;
    fragment COMMENT_FRAG: '--' ~('\r'|'\n')* '\r'? '\n' ;

In your example, you wrote:
    : ATTRIBUTE^ ID OF! ID COLON! ENTITY! IS! expression SEMI! ;
took me a minute, then I realized you were stripping away the
unnecessary cruft using "!".   Although I was aware of "!", I hadn't
thought of using it that aggressively, yet.    Since I am parsing
BSDL instead of VHDL, I am using a separate rule for each.

I would have been done by now if I had written a recursive descent
parser by hand.   I have been trying to learn antlr in the hope
that, having done so, I would be able to do similar things faster.
In light of my experiences so far, that hope is fading fast.

[bug] The problem isn't so much the individual bugs but the fact
that every most attempts to workaround an existing bug is
compounded by additional bugs.   The tree of compounding bugs below is
only a partial list:
   - bug: antlr doesn't handle parsing inside strings
     workaround: switch the input by messing with the internals
     - bug: antlrworks doesn't suport debugging C code
     - workaround: code the dirty tricks in Java as well as C
       - bug: Java runtime lacks InnerParser like functionality
         (not that innerparser itself is quite right for the job
         since it requires separate file).
         workaround: try to duplicate the functionaly using the
         include file example.
          - bug: the include file example only works in the lexer
              and you can't pass arguments to lexer rules.   Need
              parser context to enable and disable dirty tricks.
            workaround: try to set a variable
              - bug: variables aren't shared between lexer and parser
                workaround: use scope
                  - bug: that doesn't work
                workaround: use @members
                  - bug: that doesn't work
                workaround: use a global variable (not reentrant)
                   - bug: straightjacketed java language doesn't allow
                     workaround: declare a global class in @header
                         - bug: it puts the header before the imports
                           and Java won't let you declare a class before
                            the imports
               workaround: try to put the variable in the lexer and
               access it from the parser by following the class
               chain from lexer to parser
                  - bug: antlr doesn't provide ready access to
                    the current parser and lexer.  PARSER->, LEXER->
                    Workaround: follow the class chain
                     - bug: antlr runtime doesn't preserve class chain
                       linkages, for example in TokenSource so
                       you can't get from the parser class to the
                       lexer class public members.
                       workaround: try to go from lexer to parser
                          - bug: doesn't look like that will work, either.
           Workaround: try to use rule arguments
              - bug: you can't pass rule arguments to lexer rules.

       - bug: antlrworks doesn't support multiple target language actions
           or conditional inclusion
         workaround: preprocess grammar file
            - bug: antlrworks doesn't play nicely with make
             workaround:  use a weird syntax
     - workaround: define two parser rules that parse the
       same token with different actions based on context
        - bug: can't communicate parser to lexer
          workaround: use two lexer rules that match the same token
          but are never called in the same parser context
           - bug: antlr can't pick the lexer rule based on context
   workaround: set parse_inside_string in token rules for tokens
         which match before the string to be parsed, even though
         this violates one of ANTLRs primary selling points of not
         having to define tokens seperately.
        - bug: this
          Generates this:
            "mismatched input 'PIN_MAP_STRING' expecting PIN_MAP_STRING"
          But 'PIN_MAP_STRING' in a parser rule does not.
          Workaround: move IDENTIFIER to bottom of file since ANTLR
          handles precedence by order in file rather than an explicit

[bug]When parsing inside a string, line numbers printed are wrong and
it doesn't print the number the string (or include file) was included

Anyway, I finally got it to parse the entire file.

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