[antlr-interest] how to match any char between two string?

Kevin Chen bestgembler at hotmail.com
Sun May 17 19:13:51 PDT 2009

Thanks for you reply!

In that case, it work. But it isn't enough.
I consider a grammar:

select [ any character (an expr of an another app) ] from [ any character (an expr of an another app) ]  //required
    where [ any character (an expr of an another app) ]      //optional element
    order by [ any character (an expr of an another app) ]   //optional element
    group by [ any character (an expr of an another app) ]   //optional element
    limit [ any character (an expr of an another app) ]      //optional element
    option [key1 = value1 [,key2 = value2 ...] ]    //optional element, if any, require more then one key-value-pair

for example:

  SELECT *, INTERVAL(posted,NOW()-7*86400,NOW()-86400) AS timeseg, 
         AVG(price) AS avgprice, COUNT(DISTINCT storeid), @ID, @weight
    from one , TWO, three
      where MATCH( '"test doc"/3'| '@@title hello' )
      OPTION one = 1,
             two = 2

  SELECT *, INTERVAL(posted,NOW()-7*86400,NOW()-86400) AS timeseg, 

         AVG(price) AS avgprice, COUNT(DISTINCT storeid), @ID, @weight

    from one , TWO, three

      where MATCH( '"test doc"/3'| '@@title hello' )

      order by timeseg DESC, @weight DESC 

      group by @count
      limit 100 + @count

      OPTION three = 3,

             four = 4

I don't want to analyze those expressions,
'cause there's an another application will analyze those expressions.

The point is I don't know how to get the "any character"s...

Thanks a lot !   :-)


You get the error because 'SELECT' will match everything in the input
till EOF greedily (because of .+) and obviously WS cannot match
anything. When you use .+, you have to turn off greedy. Try something

TEXT            :    SELECT ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* FROM

This should work:

grammar Test;

r    :    TEXT


            System.out.println( $TEXT.text );



TEXT            :    SELECT ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* FROM


        String str =$text;

        setText( str.substring(6, str.length()-4) );




SELECT    :    'select'




FROM    :    'from'



Cheers, Indhu

陈凯成 wrote:



I hava to intercept a expression between two string, and then send to
another application.


like a Java regex, for example:



// Java Code Begin



String regex  = "select\\s+((.)+)\\s+from";

Pattern p = Pattern.complie(regex);

Matcher m = p.matcher("select stu.id as 'Student ID', stu.name as
'Student Name' from");

String select = null;


    select = m.group(1);


System.out.println(select);// print [stu.id as 'Student ID', stu.name
as 'Student Name']

send(select);// send to another application.



// Java Code End



I try to write a sample grammar file, but it dosen't works.



// Grammar File Begin



start        :    'select' WS SELECT WS 'from';

SELECT    :    (.)+ {




WS         :    ( '\t' | ' ' | '\r' | '\n'| '\u000C' )+;



// Grammar File End



I get a error message as follow when I generate code:



// Error Message Begin



[23:31:49] error(208): Sql.g:28:1: The following token definitions can
never be matched because prior tokens match the same input: WS



// Message Begin



Thanks a lot!







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