[antlr-interest] Objective-C target problem no createTree:

Alan Condit acondit at ipns.com
Sat Aug 6 12:55:46 PDT 2011


From what you wrote I don't see the problem. There is not '-createTree:' there is a '-create:(id<ANTLRToken>)payload' in ANTLRBaseTreeAdaptor.h.


On Aug 6, 2011, at 12:00 PM, antlr-interest-request at antlr.org wrote:

> From: Rod Schmidt <rod at infinitenil.com>
> Date: August 5, 2011 8:30:40 PM PDT
> To: antlr-interest at antlr.org
> Subject: [antlr-interest] Objective-C target problem no createTree:
> I'm using the latest antlr-3.4.jar to generate an ObjC target. The target is generated but I'm not sure it's correct. When I build I get the following warning (among others):
> file://localhost/Users/rod/Desktop/Merlin/objc-impl/Merlin/Merlin/MerlinParser.m: warning: Semantic Issue: Instance method '-createTree:' not found (return type defaults to 'id')
> I'm on Mac OS X Lion and using XCode 4.1. I've also downloaded the source to the Objective-C runtime, etc., and there is not a createTree: method. There are methods such as createTree:text:, etc. but no just createTree:
> So at this point, I wondering. Is there a bug in the 3.4 (i.e. the templates are not correct), or am I just not setup right? Or is there something wrong with my grammar file? Here it is:
> grammar Merlin;
> options {
>    language = ObjC;
>    output = AST;
>    // ANTLR can handle literally any tree node type.
>    // For convenience, specify the Java type
>    ASTLabelType = ANTLRCommonTree;    // type of $stat.tree ref etc.
> }
> @memVars {    
>    // Map variable name to Integer object holding value
>    NSMutableDictionary *memory;
> }
> @init {
>    memory = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
> }
> /** Match a series of stat rules and, for each one, print out the
> * tree stat returns, $stat.tree. toStringTree() prints the tree
> * out in form: (root child1 .. childN). ANTLR's default tree
> * construction mechanism will build a list (flat tree) of the stat
> * result trees. This tree will be the input to the tree parser.
> */
> prog    : ( stat { NSLog(@"\%@", $stat.tree == nil ? @"null" : [$stat.tree toStringTree]); } )+ ;
> stat    : expr NEWLINE          -> expr
>        | ID '=' expr NEWLINE   -> ^('=' ID expr)
>        | NEWLINE               ->
>        ;
> expr    : multExpr (('+'^ | '-'^) multExpr)*
>        ;
> multExpr: atom ('*'^ atom)*
>        ;
> atom    : INT
>        | ID
>        | '('! expr ')'!
>        ;
> ID      : ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z')+ ;
> INT     : '0'..'9'+ ;
> NEWLINE : '\r'? '\n' ;
> WS      : (' '|'\t')+  { [self skip]; } ;
> If I take out the rewrite rules (i.e. all the AST generate stuff) and just use Objective-C code actions it works fine (lots of warnings though in the generated code).
> If anybody could shed some light on this, I would very much appreciate it. Otherwise I'll have to try a C target or another tool besides ANTLR, which I'd rather not do since ANTLR seems like the best tool out there.
> Thanks,
> Rod Schmidt
> www.infinitenil.com


Alan Condit
1085 Tierra Ct.
Woodburn, OR 97071

Email -- acondit at ipns.com
Home-Office (503) 982-0906

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