[antlr-interest] SATC (was: Interactive Editing with Antlr?)

Bogdan Mitu bogdan_mt at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 23 10:58:16 PDT 2002

Hi all,

I put on this group's File section a zip archive with a package for
interactive editing with ANTLR (I called the package Syntax Aware Text

I used it mostly for syntax highligting using ANTLR lexers, but it also
provides an AST of the current document which is auto-updated on each
change. The AST can be used in many ways, including outlines, source
navigation, refactoring ... (but you have to do it yourself, for the moment
SATC only provides the AST).

Unlike Netbeans Lexer module, SATC is not tied to any particular IDE. It
takes a standard JTextArea and "magically" add syntax higlight to that
textArea (using internals of Swing TextComponents, like EditorKit, which are
not visible for the "normal" user of JTextArea).

I once used a version of SATC to provide syntax highlight to Eclipse, but
that part is not included in this distribution. I wil try to find the files
and add them, for those using SWT not Swing.

For details, read the readme.txt file from the docs directory of the
archive. You will also find an example of a very simple application using
syntax highlighting.

Please let me know if you have any problems running the examples, or any
questions regarding SATC.

Best regards,

--- mrosgood <mrosgood at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi Brian Smith, Bogdan Mitu, Torsten Juergeleit--
> Thanks for the replies!
> I checked out the lexer.netbeans.org subproject, spearheaded by
> Miloslav Metelka.  Pretty cool scope of work (highlighting,
> indentation, folding).  
> Metelka's lexer proposal cites "General Incremental Lexical Analysis".
>  I followed the cookie crumbs and found some potentially relevant
> stuff.  (See links below.)  After a bunch of skim reading, it looks
> like a lexer/relexer solution is preferable to a regex solution.  I
> really like how Metelka's project wraps JavaCC (and ANTLR too, real
> soon now).
> I'll be trying the ANTLR plugin for Eclipse tonight!  (Though I
> confess I still feel like an idiot for not being able to successfully
> add antlr.jar to the library search path thingie.  So I just include
> the ANTLR source files in my project.  I thought all this was supposed
> to get easier over time...?)
> I'm looking forward to Bogdan's work.  Avoiding reinventing the wheel
> would be nice.
> Side Note: One of the proposed projects on the Harmonia site is a
> grammar debugger.  Sadly, they're using LR grammars.  But it reminded
> me of Scott's ParseView.  What's the status of that project?  Now that
> NetBeans and Eclipse are chugging along, it seems like a natural plugin.
> Cheers, Jason Osgood
> ---
> Program Editing in a Software Development Environment
> http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/reiss95program.html
> General Incremental Lexical Analysis
> http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/wagner97general.html
> HARMONIA: A Flexible Framework for Constructing Interactive
> Language-Based Programming Tools
> http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/boshernitsan01harmonia.html
> Harmonia Research Project
> http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/Research/Projects/harmonia/index.html
> Lexer Module (Miloslav Metelka)
> http://lexer.netbeans.org/
> ###
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