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Mon Nov 22 06:11:46 PST 2004
A message has been sent to the antlr-interest group from
prashantdeva at
The message summary:
FROM: prashantdeva at
DATE: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 14:10:07 -0000
SUBJECT: Is it possible to pause/resume parsing/lexing with ANTLR?
Is it possible that say in the middle of a multi line
comment, i tell the parser/lexer to stop parsing, save some
info, then when i want to resume parsing i can just feed
that info back in the parser and it will just continue where
it left off. I also wont have to specially specify whether
to parse a comment or anything. Just that i feed in that
info, and call a general method say 'parse' and it just
resumes parsing where it left off.
Stuff like this can be really useful in making editors for
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From: "prashantdeva" <prashantdeva at>
Subject: Is it possible to pause/resume parsing/lexing with ANTLR?
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 14:10:07 -0000
Size: 2016
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