[antlr-interest] Decision can match input such as "DOT ID" using multiple alternatives

Micheal J open.zone at virgin.net
Sat Jul 14 18:05:37 PDT 2007

Have identifier built the ID (DOT ID)* [sub-]tree. Basically make it into a
qualifiedIdentifier or dottedIdentifier sort of rule. Call that from you
primary rule. You can check that it has exactly one qualifier using actions
in the parser or treeparser.

The best way to contact me is via the list/forum. My time is very limited. 

-----Original Message-----
From: antlr-interest-bounces at antlr.org
[mailto:antlr-interest-bounces at antlr.org] On Behalf Of Lloyd Dupont
Sent: 13 July 2007 15:27
To: antlr-interest at antlr.org
Subject: [antlr-interest] Decision can match input such as "DOT ID"
usingmultiple alternative

The compilers tell me. My problem is it's obvious but it *shouldn't be a
problem", how can I make ANTLR be happy?
I have a grammar like that
    (atom -> atom)
        (LPAREN expressionList RPAREN -> ^(LPAREN $primary expressionList))
// method call
        // read object DOT property name
        | (DOT ID -> ^(DOT $primary ID)) 
    identifier -> identifier
    // read identifier or class name
        (DOT id1=ID->$(DOT $identifier $id1)) * 
            ((LT identifier GT) => LT id2=identifier GT -> $(GENERIC
$identifier $id2))?
now it says there are multiple way to access the tokens ID, and that's true.
howver I assume identifier consume all that it can, and primary will consume
only those ID that haven't been consumed by identifier.
(on top of that I generate the same AST in both case...)
Anyway, could some help me to solve this problem?
I need to be able to use ID DOT ID in the 'identifer' property as I need to
call this rule in 'LT identifier GT'.
yet I need it in the primary, as I need to access the property of any
how can I solve that?!?!

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