[antlr-interest] Understanding Lexer rules

Shawn Poulson spoulson3 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 20 04:44:58 PST 2008

> From: Gavin Lambert <antlr at mirality.co.nz>
> >So, for example, I'd put NUMERIC (the specific case) before 
> >ALPHANUMERIC in the lexer rules.
> I'm not entirely sure whether input such as "42foo" will resolve 
> to ALPHANUMERIC or NUMERIC ALPHANUMERIC (it probably depends on 
> how the rules are defined).  Either way, you need to word your 
> parser rules carefully if NUMERIC is a complete subset of 

What do you need to be careful about, exactly, to avoid this ambiguity?

See, I'm getting hung up on how any change I make to a lexer rule
breaks a number of parser rules.  Here's a quick example that parses a
string that defines a datetime span.  It should take input like
"2008-01-30 5:16:27.677 lasting T30", which indicates that date with a
timespan of 30 seconds.

This portion works.  Now, I want to implement a 'fetch' construct where
you can instead supply "@{some text}" to reference a stored value by
name.  To enable this, I uncomment out the commented code in the
sample.  Once done, the fetch feature works, but now the previous
syntax defined by once_p is getting hung up on the 'lasting' keyword
with "NoViableAltException".  It seems the SYMBOL lexer rule is
gobbling up the text.

Can someone clarify what is going on?

grammar T;

   once_p /* | fetch_p */ ;

once_p: start=datetime_p ('lasting' duration=timespan_p);

//fetch_p: '@{' name=SYMBOL '}';

   (y=UINT '-' mo=UINT '-' d=UINT)?
   h=UINT ':' m=UINT (':' s=UINT ('.' ms=UINT)? )?;

   'T' (((d=int_p '.')? h=int_p ':')? m=int_p ':')? s=int_p ('.'

int_p: '-'? UINT;

//IDCHAR: LETTER | DIGIT | '_' | ' ' | '-';

fragment DIGIT: '0'..'9';
fragment LETTER: 'a'..'z'|'A'..'Z';
WS: (' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n'|'\u000C')+ { $channel=HIDDEN; };

Shawn Poulson
spoulson at explodingcoder.com

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