[antlr-interest] Bug in ANTLR-3.1.2 with tree grammar wildcard list label x+= ?

Laurent Caillette laurent.caillette at gmail.com
Fri Feb 27 16:07:56 PST 2009

Hi all,

I attempted to switch to ANTLR-3.1.2, and the Java code generated from
my grammar doesn't compile anymore.

I've something like this:

  : ( mediumbreak | largebreak )?

    (   p += levelIntroducer
      | p += paragraph
      | p += blockQuote
      | p += literal
      | p += bigDashedListItem
      | p += cellRowSequence
    ( largebreak (
        p += levelIntroducer
      | p += paragraph
      | p += blockQuote
      | p += literal
      | p += bigDashedListItem
      | p += cellRowSequence
    ) )*
    ( mediumbreak | largebreak )?
    -> ^( PART $p+ )

Here is a piece of generated code:

            switch (alt2) {
                case 1 :
/Users/Shared/Novelang/src/antlr/Novelang.g:120:9: p+= levelIntroducer

And the compiler doesn't like generated code, it spits errors like this:

incompatible types
found   : NovelangParser.levelIntroducer_return
required: NovelangParser.cellRowSequence_return

It seems that p has taken the type of the first rule
(levelIntroducer). Then attempting to set the result of
cellRowSequence doesn't work.

This happens consistently using ANTLRWorks-1.2.3 or antlr-3.1.2.jar directly.

In ANTLR-3.1.2 release notes there is something about the += operator:
<< Bug in code gen for tree grammar wildcard list label x+=. >>

Could my problem be related to this, or should I investigate some more?



P.S. The whole grammar can be found at :

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