[antlr-interest] unexpected token: null

lignucius subscribeshit at gmx.net
Thu May 8 06:14:55 PDT 2003

hi all 
i always get the error specified in the subject. 
but i don't see the mistake i made apparently! maybe you do? 
the code: 
remark: the string i passed to the lexer was "sin(4)". no CR or LF or
after that. a couple lines in code are for testing purpose only. 
class TestCalcParser extends Parser; 
options { buildAST=true; } 
imaginaryTokenDefinitions : 
expr :		sumExpr ; 
sumExpr :	prodExpr ((PLUS^|MINUS^) prodExpr)* ; 
prodExpr :	powExpr ((MUL^|DIV^|MOD^) powExpr)* ; 
powExpr :	funcExpr (POW^ funcExpr)? ; 
funcExpr :	(SIN^ | COS^ | TAN^ | SQRT^ | LN^ | LG^ | LD^)? signExpr ; 
signExpr :	( m:MINUS^ {#m.setType(SIGN_MINUS);} | p:PLUS^ 
{#p.setType(SIGN_PLUS);} )? atom ; 
atom :		DBL | LPAREN^ expr RPAREN! | VAR ; 
class TestCalcLexer extends Lexer; 
options { k=5; } 
NEWLINE   :  ( "\r\n" // DOS 
               '\r'   // MAC 
               '\n'   // Unix 
             { newline(); 
PLUS  : '+' ; 
MINUS : '-' ; 
MUL   : '*' ; 
DIV   : '/' ; 
MOD   : '%' ; 
POW   : '^' ; 
LPAREN : '(' { System.out.println("found ("); } ; 
RPAREN : ')' { System.out.println("found )"); } ; 
protected SIN   : "sin" ; 
protected COS   : "cos" ; 
protected TAN   : "tan" ; 
protected SQRT  : "sqrt" ; 
protected LN    : "ln" ; 
protected LG    : "lg" ; 
protected LD    : "ld" ; 
protected E     : "e" ; 
protected PI    : "pi" ; 
protected UCGLYPH : 'A'..'Z' ; 
protected LCGLYPH : 'a'..'z' ; 
protected VAR : (UCGLYPH | LCGLYPH)+; 
TXT	: (SIN) => SIN { $setType(SIN); System.out.println("found SIN");
	| (COS) => COS { $setType(COS); } 
	| (TAN) => TAN { $setType(TAN); } 
	| (SQRT) => SQRT { $setType(SQRT); } 
	| (LN) => LN { $setType(LN); } 
	| (LG) => LG { $setType(LG); } 
	| (LD) => LD { $setType(LD); } 
	| (E) => E { $setType(E); } 
	| (PI) => PI { $setType(PI); } 
	| (VAR) => VAR { $setType(VAR); System.out.println("found VAR"); } 
protected DIGIT : '0'..'9' ; 
protected POINT : '.' ; 
DBL   : (DIGIT)+(POINT (DIGIT)+)? { System.out.println("found DBL");
} ; 
{import java.lang.Math;} 
class TestCalcTreeWalker extends TreeParser; 
expr returns [double r] 
  { double a,b; r=0; } 
  : #(PLUS a=expr b=expr)	{ r=a+b; } 
  | #(MINUS a=expr b=expr)	{ r=a-b; } 
  | #(MUL a=expr b=expr)	{ r=a*b; } 
  | #(DIV a=expr b=expr)	{ r=a/b; } 
  | #(MOD a=expr b=expr)	{ r=a%b; } 
  | #(POW a=expr b=expr)	{ r=Math.pow(a,b); } 
  | #(LPAREN a=expr)		{ r=a; } 
  | #(SIGN_MINUS a=expr)	{ r=-1*a; } 
  | #(SIGN_PLUS a=expr)		{ if(a<0) r=0-a; else r=a; } 
  | #(SIN a=expr)		{ r=Math.sin(a); } 
  | #(COS a=expr)		{ r=Math.cos(a); } 
  | #(TAN a=expr)		{ r=Math.tan(a); } 
  | #(SQRT a=expr)		{ r=Math.sqrt(a); } 
  | #(LN a=expr)		{ r=Math.log(a); } 
  | #(LG a=expr)		{ r=Math.log(a)/Math.log(10); } 
  | #(LD a=expr)		{ r=Math.log(a)/Math.log(2); } 
  | E				{ r=Math.E; } 
  | PI				{ r=Math.PI; } 
  | v:VAR			{ System.out.println(v.getText()); } 
  | i:DBL			{ r=Double.parseDouble(i.getText()); } 


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