[antlr-interest] Tree pattern maching using the C target
Johannes Luber
JALuber at gmx.de
Fri Jan 15 04:58:33 PST 2010
> Hi all,
> I have a similar issue using the C# target. Using the Cymbol.g example of
> pattern 17 Symbol Table for Nested Scopes of the Language Implementation
> Patterns book I could not get it to work because there is now downup
> method.
> According to the documentation this method walks the AST code using
> built-in downup( ) strategy.
> Am I correct assuming that this has not been implemented yet for the C#
> target (as Jim implies in his response). Is it difficult to implement it
> myself? I guess it would involve implementing the tree pattern matching
> stuff.
> Marc
You are correct - there is no official version yet, which implements tree pattern matching. I haven't gotten around to the API changes yet (will work on that next week), though I have checked in some untested changes. It would be the easieast if you'd base your own code on that for now.
> P.S. Hope this email files under the proper subject thread, and apologies
> in
> advance if it isn't (Just subscribed to the mailing list but I could not
> find out how to get previous posts from it)
> > Pattern matcher or normal tree walker? The pattern stuff is not
> implemented in the C target yet.
> >
> > Jim
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: antlr-interest-bounces at antlr.org [mailto:antlr-interest-
> >> bounces at antlr.org] On Behalf Of Heiko Folkerts
> >> Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 5:01 AM
> >> To: antlr-interest at antlr.org
> >> Subject: [antlr-interest] Tree pattern maching using the C target
> >>
> >> Hi all,
> >> I wrote al litle tree pattern matcher for a specific validation we need
> >> in our grammar. ANTLR and the C compiler compile it all well but there
> >> is now "downup" mehtod for running the matcher. Instead I only see our
> >> own rules in the generated parser. So, is the method to run when using
> >> a tree pattern macher in the C target different than ^"downup"? How to
> >> run the matcher?
> >>
> >> I tried to find an answer in the C examples but there was only a
> >> treeparser and no tree pattern matcher.
> >>
> >> Thx+
> >> Heiko
> >>
> >>
> >> --
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